Scottish Stammering Network are committed to our mission - creating a better Scotland for those who stammer
Our Vision
A Scotland where stammering is widely understood and in which people who stammer are encouraged to participate fully in every aspect of Scottish life.
Our Mission
- To support and empower people in Scotland who stammer.
- To support the families of people in Scotland who are affected by stammering.
- To raise awareness and understanding of stammering in Scottish society.
- To campaign against systems, structures and attitudes in Scotland which discriminate against people who stammer, or which prevent them from fully participating in Scottish society.
- To campaign for specialist training in approaches to stammering across all sectors.
- To provide up to date, high quality, reliable information and advice on stammering.
Our Values
- We are impartial
- We will not promote any single approach over another for stammering. We will provide impartial information and may suggest some general principles that members have found helpful. These principles will be kept under review.
- We are friendly and welcoming
- We encourage the active participation of people from all parts of the stammering community.
- We will provide a safe and supportive environment in all of our activities, from support groups to open days.
- We are supportive and empowering
- A stammer affects everyone differently. We fully recognise this and will do all we can to empower and support people to find their own path for living well with a stammer through the services, information and opportunities we provide.