Additional resources outside of SSN that could be helpful for people who stammer

The links below are for resources which may be useful to people who stammer, as well as their families, educators, employers and peers. They are being provided for information purposes only; they do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by the Scottish Stammering Network and we have no responsibility for the accuracy, legality or content of the external sites.

We do not recommend one method of coping with a stammer over any other. All people who stammer have a slightly different experience and, we believe, should be able to decide what works for them. For our personal advice and support, please click here.

Paid Courses

Intensive Speech Therapy Course

The Starfish Project is an intensive, residential, speech therapy course for adults and children over the age of 11.  The Starfish Project is a not-for-profit course and has been running since 1998 at the Boship Lions Farm Hotel, Hailsham, East Sussex, England.

The Starfish Project teaches a costal breathing technique which can help to control your stammer.

The course is run Tuesday (evening) to Friday on a bi-monthly basis.  Course fees are £250 for the 3-day course.  Accommodation, in your own en-suite room, at the Boship Lions Farm Hotel is currently charged at £68 per night on a Bed, Breakfast and evening meal basis.

There is free, lifetime support offered via an extensive telephone list of past participants of the course & once you have attended your first course you can return, as often as you like, as a refresher with no need to pay the course fee (hotel accommodation and travel expenses still apply).  There is also the opportunity to work with the new attendees which can help to further enhance your speech and use of the technique.

COVID-19 update – all courses are currently cancelled.  The Starfish Project hope to resume courses as soon as is reasonably practicable and will endeavour to run the courses on a monthly basis for a period of time to allow those booked on courses in 2020 to attend. 

“The Starfish Project has helped me to gain some control over my stammer and I loved the family atmosphere of the course.  I had attended another intensive speech therapy course a few years prior to Starfish but felt this to be too large and too expensive – Starfish limits the number of new people on each course so that you really get important contact and practice time with others.  The telephone list and on-going, free, lifetime support, is invaluable for me to continue to develop my speech.” – Cheryl King

Telephone 01825 767268

Web Site

E Mail

No courses are planned in 2020 due to Covid-19.  Hopefully, courses will resume in early 2021.  For past attendees of the course, there is online Zoom support available.

“At the core of The McGuire Programme is our Intensive Courses. These are 3-4 day courses which take place throughout the world where hundreds of people have started their journey towards eloquent speech.

Over the duration of the course, we will teach you the reasons for your stutter and how you can overcome it to speak like the person you want to be.

We have courses worldwide and as a lifelong graduate of the programme, you can attend any one of them – a great way to work on your speech while making new friends!”

Website –

Helping children, young adults & adults who stammer through tailored, individual, therapy. Therapy is provided by highly experienced specialists.  Michael Palin Centre is supported by Whittington Health NHS Trust, Action for Stammering Children and the Stuttering Foundation.

Covid-19 – due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Michael Palin Centre is providing a telehealth service with therapists working from home.  To make a referral, arrange or attend therapy/assessments please call their helpline on 020 3316 8100

Email –

Website –

All courses are currently online. As courses are normally held in London this is perhaps a good opportunity to access the daytime & evening courses run by specialist Speech & Language Therapists. Upcoming courses will include an intensive day time course, short courses and an Interiorised/Covert Stammering evening class.

For a free advisory session please email

Website –

Providing residential therapy courses combined with outdoor activities for 10 to 17-year-olds. All courses are cancelled this year. However, The Fluency Trust has released dates for its July 2021 courses which you can find out about by visiting their website.

Website –

A personal development program, available to people who stammer between the ages of 18-35. Serving a gap in the stuttering community for specialist support to aid PWS in education and career development.

SHB offers a holistic approach to stammering by addressing the anxieties and fears experienced by people who stammer. Through exposure therapy strategies and speech modification tools.

SHB helps people who stammer to become better speakers with the ultimate goal of improving their employability.

SHB is run by people who have been working on their speech for years with a focus not on fluency, but on non-avoidance behaviours. This in turn allows people to live life on their terms and have a much easier time speaking in all situations.

Courses are held online (please contact SHB for costs).

Good Reads

Redefining Stuttering – author John C Harrison – available as a free PDF –

Stuttering & Anxiety Self Help Cures – author Lee Lovett – available from all good book shops & Amazon

Speech is a River – author Ruth Mead – available as a free PDF –

Stammering Pride and Prejudice – authors Patrick Campbell, Christopher Constantino & Sam Simpson – available from all good book shops & Amazon

Stammering Related Facebook Groups

From Stuttering to Confidence

Stuttering Mind

Stuttering Hangout

S-So What if I Stutter

Women Who Stammer

Stop Holding Back

Voice Unearthed


Stuttering Foundation

Stutter Talk

Friends (the national association of young people who stutter)

STUC (Stammerers Through University Consultancy)

The British Stammering Association

Irish Stammering Association


Oh and on that note – produced by Scottish Stammering Network.  Available on Spotify, Buzzsprout and iTunes

The Schofield Stories Podcast – produced by Callum Schofield.  Available on Anchor

Free Resources

Mental Health Apps