Workshop - Living Mindfully with Life Coach Sue MacGillivray
This free workshop will start with a welcome to everyone from James Stewart, who will then pass over to Life Coach Sue MacGillivray Sue has run a number of very successful workshops for us over the years.
In this workshop, we discuss the concept of mindfulness; its origin and benefits, ways to live mindfully day by day and how living on autopilot or multitasking gets in the way of calm. We also explore other ways to relax, live in the moment and be at ease, connecting with what feels right for us.
As usual, no one is put on the spot to speak, so it is fine to just sit and listen or take part as much as you like. All welcome.
Zoom details are sent out through our mailing list.
If you are not on the Scottish Stammering Network mailing list yet and would like to attend, please get in touch at