We have had to amend our usual group meetings in response to the social distancing measures put in place to limit the spread of Covid-19. Read on to find out how we are responding.

Unfortunately, we have had to put a hold on our in-person support groups due to social distancing guidelines imposed by the Scottish Government as a response to the Covid-19 outbreak. As a result, our Open Days have had to be postponed. We are hoping to arrange a virtual open day very soon and will share the details of this as soon as we can.

We are keeping track of all Coronavirus updates as they happen and are hoping to be able to plan for future in-person Open Days as soon as restrictions allow us to hold them.

In the meantime, we have moved all of our support groups online via Zoom. All are welcome and you are able to mute yourself/turn your camera off if you are more comfortable doing so. You can keep up to date with our upcoming meetings here.

We send out the links to our virtual meetings through our mailing list. If you’re not on this yet, get in touch with us to be added info@scottishstammeringnetwork.org